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Dave Orme muses about agile and functional programming.

My current work emphasizes SOA applications using Scala, Kubernetes, and AWS with a React-based SPA front-end. I'm also interested in progressive web applications and developer tools.


Scala, Clojure, and FP


The Cloud

Data-First Development

Older work

Coconut Palm Software home

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Kubernetes, Docker, Streaming Data, Spark, Scala, Clojure, OSGi, Karaf, GCP, AWS, SQL


Everything I say here is my own opinion and not necessarily that of my employer.


New XScalaWT feature- Assign to properties

In XScalaWT, to set a layout, you previously would write (same as Java):

setLayout(new FillLayout())

Now, you can write:

layout = new FillLayout()

Most SWT properties now work this way. So for example instead of using setters everywhere you can now write code like:

   minimum = 0,
   maximum = 50,
   selection = 20

Which is much cleaner and easier to follow.

Thanks much to Jean-Philippe Pellet for the idea and implementation of this feature!

XScalawt can be found on GitHub at:


2011/02/11 21:57

Slides posted: Scala Declarative DSLs (using Eclipse RCP)

Last month I delivered a presentation on creating declarative-style DSLs using Scala using Eclipse RCP as an example. This is an intermediate-level talk that presumes some functional programming and some Scala expertise, but it went well and we had a good time talking about the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of DSL.

I tried an experiment: My slide deck is actually an SVG file that can play in any *modern* browser (read: Firefox or Chrome; don't know about Safari). Here's the link:


2010/12/01 20:14

Congratulations to Eclipse Committers

Eclipse Helios is here: Done by 39 project teams, 490 committers, creating/managing more than 33 million lines of code.

Congratulations to everyone whose code is in this release and to everyone who helped manage this thing out the door!

On time. Again.



2010/06/24 17:46

E4 SDK available - early adopter testers needed

An exciting milestone in the E4 project passed yesterday when John Arthorne posted the following to the E4-dev mailing list:

I have spent the last day or so self-hosting full time using Eclipse 4.0 SDK builds. While there are lots of bugs and errors in the log, I have encountered no impediment that prevented my ability to get work accomplished using these builds as my regular IDE. I strongly encourage the rest of the team, and any bleeding edge adopters in the community, to try use Eclipse 4.0 SDK builds as their IDE for daily development. The sooner we are feeling the pain of bugs as users ourselves, the faster we will make progress in the areas that matter for end users.

To avoid everyone entering the same well-known bugs over and over, and to help focus our priorities for the next milestone, I have started a list on the wiki of “self hosting impediments”. Think of this like our regular end of release polish list, but in our case the polish items are much bigger. Feel free to add things to the list, increase priorities, remove items that are fixed, etc. The list is found here:

There is a new Eclipse 4.0 SDK build available, which includes the latest contributions for this week's 3.6 integration build. If you are using M5 you can upgrade to it by adding the following repository to your available software sites list:

You can find the SDK zips here:

This is obviously very early access, very bleeding edge stuff. But the more folks we have testing E4, the better it will be when it ships.


2010/04/15 12:57

E4: A First Look

I've finally got some cycles to catch up on E4 a bit. The first thing I notice is that in E4, you wind up with a lot of code that looks something like this: (from

public class View1 {
	public View1(Composite parent) {
		Label label = new Label(parent, SWT.NONE);
		label.setText("E4 is new");
		Text text = new Text(parent, SWT.NONE);
		text.setText("and different");

The first thing I notice is the dependency injection: there's no explicit dependency on Eclipse anywhere to be seen.

I haven't worked out all the implications of that @Inject annotation, but at first blush this sort of thing would seem to make E4 *much* more testable than previous versions of Eclipse were.

If I'm right, this is pretty huge. It's not exactly a killer feature, but it's very important.



2010/02/05 22:23

Mylyn Makes Code Easier to Present, Easier to Follow

Last week I gave a presentation on refactoring regular Java code toward a Scala DSL to the Chicago Area Scala Enthusiasts (CASE). Along the way, I discovered a really cool way to use the Eclipse Mylyn tool to solve a perennial presenter's problem: how to smoothly switch between various code examples during the presentation.

As one of the few Eclipse people who normally works on Linux (currently Ubuntu), I am used to the cool Compiz feature of rendering my desktops on a 3d cube that visibly rotates (in 3d) to switch between different desktops. When presenting this is handy because I like to put the slides on one face of the cube and Eclipse (with a workspace containing my code examples) on another face of the cube. Then I can simply rotate the cube to smoothly switch between Eclipse code examples and my presentation slides.

But once I'm in Eclipse, I normally have several code examples that I would like to use to illustrate the points I am making.

It turns out that the Mylyn tool provides a really handy way to switch between code examples. It even automatically highlights the important parts of the code in the Package Explorer in the process.

So before I present, I create a new Mylyn context for each example I want to show. I then record into the context the Mylyn landmarks I want to make sure I cover in the presentation. These landmarks wind up boldfaced inside the Package Explorer.

Then during the presentation, I can simply switch between contexts using the Mylyn Task List. When I do this, Mylyn automatically opens and closes the right editors, and highlights the correct parts of the code in the Package Explorer for showing the next code example.

The result is that I can keep track of where I am more easily in the code examples (since the important parts are automatically highlighted), and–for the same reason–it's also easier for the audience to follow what I am trying to communicate.


2009/11/27 18:27

Refactoring to DSLs slides posted

Slides for last week's Scala meetup presentation in Chicago are posted on SlideShare:

The topic was “Refactoring to DSLs (for beginners)” and “Scala LiftOff 2009 Recap”.

The meeting was fun, the audience one of the best I've ever presented for. I got some requests to present my Eclipse RCP UI DSL next time I present, so we'll plan for that. :-)


2009/11/24 20:34

Speaking at Chicago Area Scala Enthusiasts Meeting

I'll be speaking at the Chicago Area Scala Enthusiasts (CASE) meeting this coming Thursday. We'll cover the following:

  • News from the Scala LiftOff East in Reston Virginia two weeks ago
  • I'll talk about using DSLs written in Scala to improve Java projects

Although I haven't decided on the final content yet, topics I'm considering in order to illustrate this second point include:

  • Showing how to use the excellent Specs unit testing DSL (a great way to get Scala into a Java shop)
  • A “Make”-like DSL I wrote as my first DSL (doesn't nearly everybody?)
  • Simplifying Java code by evolving Java into a Scala DSL by translating to Scala and then stepwise introducing Scala idioms

I'd love to hear about what people what to hear about. Please comment. :-)

To sign up, please visit: before noon, the day of the event.


2009/11/14 21:12

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