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Dave Orme muses about agile and functional programming.

My current work emphasizes SOA applications using Scala, Kubernetes, and AWS with a React-based SPA front-end. I'm also interested in progressive web applications and developer tools.


Scala, Clojure, and FP


The Cloud

Data-First Development

Older work

Coconut Palm Software home

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Kubernetes, Docker, Streaming Data, Spark, Scala, Clojure, OSGi, Karaf, GCP, AWS, SQL


Everything I say here is my own opinion and not necessarily that of my employer.


This is an old revision of the document!

On the Server Side

Server-side development is changing too, but differently and more slowly than on the client. Some forces I see changing server-side development are:

Multi-core programming

Multi-core is here.

8-way servers are common these days. 4-way cell phones are here. The laptop on which I'm writing this blog has 4 cores; so does my tablet.

But software development still mostly is written to utilize a single thread of execution.

The more cores we have in our hardware, the more pronounced this mismatch will become, which will pressure the industry into changing software-development practices to take advantage of the new power.

Functional Programming

Functional programming (FP) is one promising means of taking advantage of multi-core processors. When done in a pure manner, often the compiler can parallelize certain tasks automatically. Other operations–such as applying a single function over a large collection of data–can also be parallelized automatically if coded in a functional style.

Please see Functional Programming Home for an index of my articles on FP.

Server-side Javascript

Javascript can be used as a functional language, and using Node.js can run on the server side. I have little contact with it and currently work in a large Java shop. But to the extent that it crosses my radar, I'll make notes about that here.

General Java

Here are some general notes about Java that are applicable to server-side developers.

java/home.1413769698.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/10/19 21:48 by djo